Bibliometric, Scientific Articles, VosviewerAbstract
This research focuses on scientific articles that discuss Covid-19. This research aims to find out and analyze the Co-occurance and Co-authorship mapping of the distribution of scientific publications that discuss Covid-19 in Indonesia. This research method is a descriptive research in the form of bibliometric analysis with a quantitative approach to Co-occurrence and Co-authorship. First, co-occurrence is carried out to see trends in research topics by grouping keywords. Second, Co-authorship is an analytical method used to determine the level of collaboration of scientific article authors in conducting scientific research. The results of the study show that scientific journal articles with the keyword Covid-19 in this research study have a strong association with several other keywords in the same field. Judging from the frequency of occurrence of keywords, namely Covid-19 Pandemic, Indonesia, Coronavirus, Sars-cov-2, Public health, Social Media, Pandemic, E-learning, Corona, Distance learning, and others. Meanwhile, keywords that have a low occurrence rate are Consumers, Emotional Intelligence, Force Majure, Inflation, New Normal, Corona, Lockdown. Meanwhile, "Geno, Rachmad Ardiansyah Pua", "Herwanto, Yeni Tri", "Ibad, Mursyidul", "Laksono, Agung Dwi", "Megatsari, Hario", "Nugraheni, Estiningtyas", "Sarweni, Kinanty Putri", “Vinet, Luc”, and “Zhedanov, Alexei” are the most prolific writers. The level of collaboration of scientific article writers with keywords written collaboratively is as much greater than individually or individually.References
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