Healthy Foods, Parents Knowledge, Health Literacy Media, Knowledge LevelAbstract
This research aims to determine the level of knowledge of parents regarding children's snacks and find out what kind of health literacy material about children's snacks is needed by parents, and find out which health literacy media about children's snacks suits parents' information needs. This research method uses a quantitative descriptive type. The number of samples received in this research was 202. The sampling technique in this research used probability sampling, quota sampling type. The results of this study show that the level of knowledge of parents regarding school children's snacks (SCS) is high and very high. High levels are found in the indicators of types of snacks and characteristics of healthy snacks with scores of 3.26 and 3.27 respectively. Meanwhile, other indicators have a very high level of knowledge, namely: coverage/understanding of snacks with a score of 3.51, characteristics of unhealthy snacks with a score of 3.32, how to choose snacks with a score of 3.38, and factors for choosing snacks with a score of 3.45. Meanwhile, the content of material on health literacy about children's snacks targeting parents is about Types of Snacks and Characteristics of Healthy Snacks, whereas if the target is children, the material is on How to choose good snacks. Then the most frequently chosen health literacy media regarding children's snacks was ebooks with 37.1%. The recommended media for snack health literacy in this research is video mediaReferences
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