Reflections to Research Productivity of Kurkshetra University Kurukshetra, Haryana (India) from 2011-2020: a Bibliometric Analysis
The present study reflects the research output of Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India made from 2011 to 2020 by using data from Scopus database. The study shows the total research output produced by the scientific scholars of the university, most prolific authors, International collaborations and the preferred sources for publications during the decade. The study concludes that KUK’s research output in terms of publications was more than three thousand (3167) during a span of 10 years; Maximum growth rate was marked in the year 2019; Highest Citations was recorded in the year 2011 (5012) while the lowest citations in 2020 (739); More than seventy percent of total publications appeared in the top ten subjects; Highest publications were contributed the subject category chemistry (590) followed by Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (445); KUK at International Level had highest collaboration with United States in publication of research output papers (51 papers); Top ten productive authors of KUK contributed 24.53 % share of cumulative total research output made during ten years; and Highest contribution was made by Kumar, R (194 Papers) followed by Pal A (93 papers)References
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