Scientometric analysis, ICAR, Research Productivity, Agricultural InstitutionsAbstract
The current paper intends to assess the Indian Council of Agricultural Research’s top five agricultural institutions’ research output as per the ranking of agricultural universities 2020. This assessment takes into account research papers published between 2012 and 2021. For the data analysis, the bibliographical information was gathered from the Scopus citation database, which contains 22,219 publications during the study period. To conclude the expansion and significance of research outputs from selected data, essential metric-based indicators are evaluated. This study also includes annual growth of publications, a ranking of authors on the basis of their publication count and citation received, most productive institutions from the sample, highly cited articles, citation profile of papers, and most favoured research communication sources by authors from these agricultural institutions. The major findings show that the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) has a higher proportion of research papers published, as well as citations and cited articles. All of these institutes’ primary research areas were agricultural and biological sciences.References
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