
  • Hadira Latiar Universitas Lancang Kuning
  • Nining Sudiar Universitas Lancang Kuning
  • Eko Noprianto Universitas Lancang Kuning



Citations, scientific publications, lecturers, Scopus


Introduction: Scientific citations are quotations taken or used by someone in writing a scientific work, so that scientific citations have an impact on publications, especially higher education publications. So that higher education, especially lecturers, are always directed to carry out research and scientific publications as well as citation analysis. The citations that are the object of this research are citations of scientific publications by lecturers at three private universities in Pekanbaru. Meanwhile, the scientific publications referred to are scientific publications published in Scopus indexed journals. The aim of this research is to analyze the number of articles produced, the number of citations to lecturers' publications, subjects, co-authorship of Scopus indexed journal publications and to see collaborations carried out. Research Method: The method used is quantitative by applying documentation and literature studies in content analysis. This research utilized the Sinta portal (Science and Technology Index), Google Scholar, Publish of Perish, Mendeley and Vos Viewer. Results and Discussion: The development of publications indexed by Scopus from the three universities above has generally increased. The highest publication was Riau Islamic University (200 publications), followed by Lancang Kuning University (196 publications), and Muhammadiyah Riau University (106 publications). In terms of the number of citations, UIR has a greater number of citations (125 articles cited with 4,540 citations). Second place is UNILAK (159 citations with a total of 1,131 citations). Meanwhile, UMRI (92 citations with a total of 765 citations). Keywords or subjects, UNILAK's highest keywords are strategy and performance; UMRI is docking; and UIR, namely wsns. Publications and Productivity Based on Author/Author. The most productive writer from Lancang Kuning University is Suci, Afred (10 publications), from Muhammadiyah Riau University, namely Syahri, J (9 publications), and from Riau Islamic University, namely Kadir, Evizal Abdul (22 publications). UNILAK collaborations or affiliates have a greater number of collaborations, namely 30 collaborations, UIR has 28 collaborations while UMRI has 15 collaborations with other universities.


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